世界組手連盟の創設に参画した館長、師範達(マスター達)が、連盟の理想とする理念を 共有することで強固な連帯感と献身的情熱が生まれ、それを基盤に連盟が成立していると いう大きな特徴があります。

The World Kumite Organization can be characterized by the unity among its founding masters manifesting a common dedication for the cause and aligned ideology.

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J杉原館長、長谷川師範、館長シフを筆頭に、日本の有力な館長、師範の方々と力を共に 合わせ、WKOを世界で他の追随を許さない急成長を遂げるべく邁進している次第です。 これには創設に参加した館長や師範の方々の並々ならぬ武道への情熱と愛着に加え、 人種や武道の発祥起源に関係なくWKO幹部メンバーとしてお互いに払い合った敬意の 中から生まれた強い連帯感が、絆となって連盟発足が実現したのであります。

Sugihara Kancho and Kancho Robert McInnes along with the support of some of the most influential Masters in martial arts from Japanese and international roots have been working tireless to promote the WKO to a rate of growth second to no other martial arts organization in the world. The achievements of the WKO have been possible due to the founding Masters common love for budo, strong and unwavering friendship and respect for every WKO member irrespective of race and ancestry.

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これらのマスター(館長、師範)達は、組織や流派間にある政治的軋轢やライバル意識を 克服するべく、遂に行動するに至りました。これまで多くの違った考えを持つ人々の間では、これを実現することはとうていできなかったのです。 シフ館長は、2007年にタイのパタヤにあるコズィー・ビーチに、各自の意見を聞く為に小さな団体のマスター(館長、師範)達を招きました。5時間に及ぶ長い会合の末に支援の盟約が満場一致で為され、シフ館長のガイドの下に遂に連盟が発足することとなった次第です。

These masters embarked on a quest to overcome widespread political discord among martial art organizations. A task of which many thought could never be achieved.

In 2007, upon the invitation of Kancho McInnes of Shorin kempo Kaikan and small group of masters came together at the Cozy Beach Hotel in Pattaya Thailand  from all over the world, to hear what Kancho McInnes had to say.

At the end of a 5-hour meeting all masters unanimously pledged their support to the birth of the World Kumite Organization under Kancho McInnes guidance.

Contact us

WKO President

Kancho Robert McInnes was elected as the President of the WKO in 2007 and has remained at the helm of the Organization since it was formed.
Kancho McInnes was the founder of the WKO in 2007 , and holds Life Time executive status in the WKO

WKO Japan Executive Chairman

Soshi Masayasu Sugihara 8th dan Byakuren Kaikan
WKO Vice President WKO Japan Chairman
, Soshi was one of the 11 founding masters of the WKO in 2007 , and holds Life Time executive status in the WKO

WKO Secratary General

Shihan Yutaka Itchikawa Japan Coordinator was appointed Secratary General in 2009 and holds Life Time executive status in the WKO 

WKO Executive

Hanshi Hasegawa Zen Kyokushin (8th Dan)
WKO World Advisor)
Hanshi Hasegawa was one of the 11 founding masters of the WKO in 2007 , and holds Life Time executive status in the WKO

WKO Executive Member

Kancho Ademir Da Costa was one of the 11 founding masters of the WKO in 2007 , and holds Life Time executive status in the WKO. Kancho Ademir is also in the WKO Hall of fame for completing the 100 Man Kumite.

WKO Chief Executive Referee

Kancho Toshio Mizuguchi 8th Dan Kyokushin  WKO Chief Referee in 2008 and holds Life Time executive status in the WKO

WKO Thailand Executive Chairman

Major General Terra Nawarawong Was appointed in 2007 and was one of the 11 founding masters of the WKO in 2007 , and holds Life Time executive status in the WKO

WKO Executive Member 

Shihan Eddie Emin is one of the 11 founding masters of the WKO in 2007 , and holds Life Time executive status in the WKO

 WKO  Executive Member 

Shihan George Kolovos was one of the  11 founding masters of the WKO in 2007 , and holds Life Time executive status in the WKO

WKO Chief Legal Advisor

Pol Col Kamonchai WKO Chief Legal Advisor

Director of Middle Eastern Affairs

Shihan Mehdi Farahrini  was appointed to this position in 2010

WKO Executive Member 

Shihan Sergei Vsevolodov
WKO Ukraine Representative and WKO European Committee executive

WKO Advisor to the President

Adm Taweechai Leingpaibool WKO Chief Advisor To the President and holds Life Time executive status in the WKO

WKO Executive Member

Kaicho Hoosain Narker is one of the 11 founding masters of the WKO in 2007 , and holds Life Time executive status in the WKO

WKO Executive Member

Kancho Walid Hassan Marie is one of the 11 founding masters of the WKO in 2007 , and holds Life Time executive status in the WKO

WKO Japan Technical Advisor

Shihan Takehiro Minami is Japans WKO Technical Advisor and Executive Member

WKO Iran Executive Member

Saiko Shihan S.Mohammad Salahi Shorin Kempo Iran Branch Chief

WKO Executive Member

Kancho Pedro  Roiz
Kaicho of the World Kyokushin Budokai  Organization WKB

WKO Executive Member

Soki Keyvan Dehnad
9th dan Kodokan Judo and Olympic certified Referee
WKO Ambassador