WKO Hall of Fame

The WKO Hall of Fame is a very special part of the WKO’s existence and not just anybody is admitted to this section of the WKO

The following Karateka are those very special members and fighters that have accomplished more than most and are  roll models for Karateka to follow for generations to follow.

Kancho Ademir Da Coster was admitted into the WKO Hall of fame in 2016 for completing the 100 Man Kumite on the 25/04/1987 becoming officially the 10th Karateka in the world to complete this great feat


Hanshi Eddie Emin  was admitted into the WKO Hall of fame In 2016. Hanshi Eddie Emin is one of the oldest living students of Sosai Oyama the founder of Kyokushin.  

World Kumite Organization


2023 Inductees to the WKO HALL OF FAME